BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (ChurchMilitant.com) – Pope Francis, currently sporting a zero-tolerance policy in Rome, was known more for his zero-transparency policy concerning clerical sex abuse as the archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
In 1989, Sebastián Cuattromo, a student at a Catholic school in Buenos Aires, was the victim of homosexual predation by a teacher at the school, Br. Fernando Enrique Picciochi, S.M. In 2002, when Cuattromo sought help in seeking justice from the diocese then headed by Cdl. Jorge Bergoglio, his vicar, Fr. Mario Poli, stonewalled Cuattromo for seven years.
One of the first acts that Bergoglio would do as Pope Francis was to make Poli the archbishop of Buenos Aires.
Read more at ChurchMilitant: https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/cardinal-bergoglios-zero-transparency-in-argentina